Fontmont montfont
Headline at Big Pulpit:
I peripherally read this as
The Fonks of Montgombault sing Salve Regina
Huh? What's a fonk?
Why did this happen? Fontgombault is an unlikely French placename. You could have a place named after a fountain, but most places are named after a mountain. (Where's Dr Seuss when we need him?)
But the smaller caption might have been leading my semiconscious astray. According to the caption, it's Fontmontgault, a fountain AND a mountain.
What's the real name?
Reading the full article, it is Fontgombault. [Isn't the Gumball Fountain on the Rock Candy Mountain?]
So the writer of headlines at BigPulpit made the same category-slip in a slightly different form.
Googlemap shows the township of Fontgombault, which seems to be mostly the monastery itself. The monastery has an attached city which is quite reasonably called The City. No room for confusion there.
Labels: Zero Problems