When I was an arrogant teenage dickhead I sometimes "corrected" people who didn't need correcting. My dad would respond to such corrections by quoting a line from a '30s radio comedian:
Vass you dere, Charlie?
Dad was actually using the quote backwards from its intended purpose. Now I'm correcting people who don't need correcting again! ... but in this case, thanks to preserved recordings, I know that Baron von Munchausen was using the line to prevent Charlie from detecting his lies. Baron was like modern "journalists" who weaponize authority to protect evil.
Dad was using the quote to cure me of "correcting" the experienced truth. His use was
virtuous in purpose, regardless of quotation accuracy.
From the start, one virtue of the blogosphere was a constant enforcement of Dereness. "Journalists" are always lying. Modern "journalists" have taken the art well beyond lying into bizarre delusions. Their lies can be detected by people who vass actually dere, whether in a foreign country or a non-elite city or a non-elite culture or occupation.
In a discussion of any topic, people who have some degree of real experience can spot "correctors" who vassn't dere. Classic case in a ZH discussion yesterday. People who remember pre-1980 America know that income was vastly more equal than now, within a neighborhood and between neighborhoods. One commenter who clearly vassn't dere insisted that we were romanticizing the past. The income gap within neighborhoods must have been more like 10 to 1. He was trying to "correct" our memories. Sorry, doesn't work. Ve vass dere.
Footnote since I'm in a precise mood today: My use of
we in previous paragraph doesn't mean I was participating in the discussion. I've avoided signing up as a commenter at ZH because the site has always smelled slightly provocateur-ish. It seems to invite the sort of comments that Deepstate can use as ammunition.
We referred only to my presence in pre-1980 America.