Why doesn't it happen?
Yeah, another of these questions.
When corporations go stark raving mad, their best product is sane executives and sane engineers who join other companies or form new companies.
Why doesn't this happen with bonkers nations like US? There must be a few sane politicians in DC, and a lot of sane bureaucrats in various agencies. Why don't they leave and work for sane countries? We've been bonkers for 27 years, which should have been enough time for plenty of exits. I haven't seen any.
We do have a 'revolving door', but it turns opposite from the corporate exits. Sane bureaucrats don't join other countries; instead the MOST INFLUENTIAL (ie CRAZIEST) bureaucrats join Goldman and CNN.
= = = = =
Later thought: It's not just corporate executives who leave sinking ships. Corporate PRODUCTS and METHODS migrate to other countries when American corporations stupidly abandon them. Willys in Brazil, Packard in Russia, Ford Falcon in Australia, and FordISM in Japan and Korea. In each case the product or method lived for decades and evolved in its own way in the new country. More recently USA STRONG tossed out MySpace, LiveJournal, Geocities and Xoom. All took root and flourished in other countries.
USA STRONG is a crazy vicious gardener who grows fine plants (get it? get it?) and poisons them and chops them down to the ground, but doesn't notice the birds carrying his SEEDS to sane gardens where they grow and thrive.