Tarra Simmons, a nurse and mother of three, loses it all to drug addiction, goes to prison, and serves 20 months behind bars. But when she gets out, she gets clean and stays clean. She turns her life around. Now, Tarra is graduating from Seattle University's law school, and she is ready to begin a new career as a lawyer. However, the state bar association says she can't.Turning your life around is wonderful. BUT .... if you're going to turn your life around, you shouldn't turn into a well-marked dead end. More specifically, if you're trying to be a lawyer you should know in detail what the laws say. Wasting years of effort toward a goal prohibited by law is not a good credential for a prospective lawyer. She will probably be able to find work as a paralegal or legal advisor for a Sorosian NGO, so it would have made more sense to shape her education toward those goals.
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