Bubble consuls needed
Headline: Racist imagery on trucks is controversial, but is it illegal?
The image is a classic pickaninny eating a watermelon. It's self-destructively stupid for sure.
Closely resembles this 1937 ad...
Needless to say, KHQ's first instinct was to ask the NYC Rich Criminal Center whether such images are illegal.
You'd think a BROADCASTER would have SOME SLIGHT FAMILIARITY with the concept of freedom of expression, but obviously they don't. Their FIRST THOUGHT is that anything disliked by rich NYC demons is illegal.
In practice they're right. The extinct ancient constitution formerly said otherwise, but Sorosian black-robed demons make all the "laws" now.
Unfortunately the Post Falls trucking company also lives in a bubble. Nobody in their bubble is aware of the EXTERMINATION that awaits heresy.
Both bubbles could use an ambassador or consul who represents the other bubble, an early-warning service to circumvent self-destructive moves. The NYC bubble has nothing to fear from the black-robed demons, but a stupid decision (eg Target's bathrooms) can still be costly.