Fake repeal and fake replace fails
Good. Romneycare is the worst of all possible worlds,
as I've been saying from the start, but this fakery wouldn't have helped. It did simplify the regulations a bit. It didn't repeal anything. It didn't remove the requirement for insurance, it only set the penalty at zero dollars, which means bureaucrats could still find a way to punish you for non-compliance. This fakery didn't remove the idiotic "exchanges" at all.
The stock market is unhappy that this effort failed, which tells us everything we need to know about the beneficiaries of the fakery. Same as the beneficiaries of Romneycare itself. The Chosen.
Let Romneycare continue to rot, let the insurers continue to pull out. At some point the ONLY CORRECT SOLUTION will finally become palatable to the D idiots if not the R idiots. ONLY CORRECT SOLUTION = Medicare for all.