“I believe that the media should be very clear, very transparent, and not fall prey — without offence, please — to the sickness of coprophilia, which is always wanting to communicate scandal, to communicate ugly things, even though they may be true,” he told Tertio. “And since people have a tendency towards the sickness of coprophagia, it can do great harm.”PEOPLE HAVE A TENDENCY TOWARD COPROPHAGIA?????????????? This shows yet again, more strongly than previous unnameable excrescences, that Bergoglio is beyond all bounds of insanity and evil. People have lots of TENDENCIES, many of which are improper or inadvisable. When people have a TENDENCY toward any action, improper or not, we see SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY PERFORMING THE ACTION. I fucking dare you to find EVEN ONE human above the age of 6 months, chronologically or mentally, who actually eats shit. Babies may do it accidentally while exploring the world, but even babies don't do it intentionally. This "tendency" exists only in Antichrist's indescribably alien cranial appendage.
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