"Ours is an age of grave global problems and issues. We live at a time in which polarization and exclusion are burgeoning and considered the only way to resolve conflicts.” Using the current global migration crisis as an example, he noted how easy it is to view those considered to be “strangers” to be seen as a threat, and to “take on the status of an enemy.” Whether it’s because they have different customs, different colored skin, a different language, a lower social class or even because they have a different faith, these people are often marginalized and “without our realizing it, this way of thinking becomes part of the way we live and act.”The current migration crisis is a direct result of wars started by Soros, acting through the agency of USA STRONG. Libya and Ukraine and Syria are OUR wars. The refugees from our wars were trying to get into Europe, so Soros tool EU decided to weaponize them as an invading army. Maximize chaos, maximize genocide, maximize Soros wealth. Antipope Bergoglio strongly encouraged all of the above. Now he has the CHUTZPAH to mock the poor people he's helping to slaughter. He blames the poor people (many of whom are good Catholics) for failing to APPRECIATE AND WELCOME his rapes and robberies and murders. Evil beyond measure.
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