Little levitation
When transferring clothes from washer to dryer, I clean out the lint filter and slap the dust on top of the dryer. Occasionally I put the piled-up dust in the wastebasket. Coot-proofing trick, minimizes squatting and rising actions.
This morning a moving object caught my attention. Moth? Spider? No, a small blob of dust was hovering an inch away from the main pile and an inch above the dryer. I couldn't see a 'tether'; it was just balanced by static attractions and repulsions. It stayed there long enough to get a video.
Because the video is awful as always, here's a preview pointing to the (slightly lighter color) levitator. (Incidentally, the dust is actually blue, not brown. This camera turns everything red when light is dim.)
At the end of the clip I blew a little puff of air, not aimed at the dust; that was enough to break the balance and snap the levitator back onto the larger pile.