Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon of Nigeria accused Western churches of not having African churches' "best interests at heart" because they "present us as being 50 years behind the rest of the world. Their view of progressivism places them at the forefront of historical and social development — with us Africans bringing up the rear." But he promised African leaders: "We will never allow ourselves, or our identity, or our churches, to be defined by the pride of those who see us as lagging behind them in our economies, our politics, our communities, our families, and our theology."And from a Roman:
The archbishop is absolutely right to recognize the paternalism and condescension that imbues the ‘progress’ that seeks to redefine marriage,” Father Shenan J. Boquet, a Catholic priest and president of Human Life International (HLI), told LifeSiteNews. “Cardinal Sarah and many other Catholic bishops in Africa are also standing strong against this ideological colonization from the West, as they see the rot within Western culture and love their own people too much to remain silent as it is imported into Africa." If Africans reject 'aid' from the West that comes with such destructive strings attached, and continue to defend life and family while stopping government corruption and developing the structures that make flourishing possible, Africa will be leading the world before long.The last paragraph is a simple and complete manifesto for African independence. Africa could be leading the world into a resumption of Natural Law, which is another name for SURVIVAL. "Developing the structures" is the hard part. Africans are good at morality and survival, but haven't shown much talent for developing structures.
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