Excellent NYTimes headline:
European Leaders Tell a Dazed Britain to Get Going on ‘Brexit’
Dazed. Perfect word.
Meta: The FACT that the British elite were dazed, stunned, gobsmacked, sucker-punched by the result is the COMPLETE AND DEFINITIVE EXPLANATION of the result itself.
The elite and media had lost all contact with the nation they misruled. They were governing an imaginary nation that existed only in their alien heads. Cameron
knew that he was safe in calling a referendum because the voices in his head were purely pro-EU. He never heard the voices of any actual British people.
The referendum came out Leave because the people were TERMINALLY TIRED of watching the ACTUAL nation turn to shit while the IMAGINARY nation got richer and richer and richer.
Same in US and most of EU, except that US won't get a referendum. We get a fake "election" which will be Rectified by the Electoral College or the Supreme Demons if it comes out wrong.