What came loose?
Couple weeks ago I wondered why the 'fix' came loose on the R side but not the D side. For 40 years both parties have been running on autopilot, with the next election predetermined the day after this election. This year the Ds remained on autopilot. No matter how many votes Bernie gets, Hillary is the candidate. But the Rs lost the mechanism. They allowed Trump to accumulate actual votes.
Way too often I've been caught off guard by big events (eg the 2008 Goldman Coup) because I was insufficiently paranoid. So I try to jack up the paranoia, not always successfully.
In that spirit:
What came loose? Scalia died while taking a bribe. That's a simple fact. He also
may have been doing something more interesting. Why would a man with an attractive wife and all the perks and prestige of total power need to spend time in an all-male ranch?
Both "sides" treated this unsavory event as nothing special. Clearly all the Supreme Satans take bribes all the time, and all of them engage in fun and frolic that wouldn't be appreciated by Unpersons. Best to keep the whole thing silent.
The Jeb and Hillary script was going to end up in a photo finish, which was going to be decided by the Supremes in favor of Jeb. It was Jeb's turn. After Scalia croaked, the Grandé Finalé Episodé of this miserable series came unglued. All bets for Jeb were uncertain, all powerseekers who counted on automatic Jebness suddenly had to rethink their future. Reciprocally, powerseekers who were riding with Hillary saw a brighter future, doubled down on the cruise control, and closed the windows and locked the doors to keep Bernie out.
Labels: defensible spaces