Thinking about juries. One thing I noticed repeatedly in my three jury calls: A cocky young punk decides to go for a jury trial.
I can bulldoze those weak old squares easily, and get off without any jail time. He struts into the courtroom and sees a hundred dull squares waiting to be picked or unpicked for his jury. These squares are already pissed because their lives have been interrupted by jury service. Most of them have been robbed or raped or threatened by young punks at one time or another, and they have ZERO PATIENCE with young punks. Young punk looks into a hundred implacable hostile faces. Suddenly his hormones leak away. He confers with lawyer. Go for the plea, take the short sentence instead of hard time.
The Deep State loves PROCESS because PROCESS makes Deepstate look legit. Ideally all processes are reduced to lifeless zombie mechanisms, which is of course how Deepstate sees humans.
In some situations the zombie process is finalized and unrecoverable, like the stock market or the media. HFTs running code. Precisely zero chance of reanimation.
Juries aren't fully reduced. Each jury is
infused with life and purpose, and its mechanism uniquely allows ONE purposeful life to NULLIFY the mechanism. The brand of Jury Nullification™ has been invented by Deepstate to make Purpose look awful, but in fact most juries nullify in one way or another. Among 12 normal live humans there's at least one, and often 12, who can't stomach some or all of the charges. The nullifier doesn't have to file a special appeal, doesn't have to state his purpose on a government form. He just has to say NO to a charge, and the jury will be unable to press that charge. This is objectively indistinguishable from the brand of Jury Nullification™.
Presidential elections have been reduced to a process which NORMALLY runs the way Young Punk expects. Predetermine the result two years in advance, go through the motions of primaries and caucuses and conventions, make lots of team-based noise to bamboozle the squares. Get off scot-free. Another eight years of smooth mechanical coasting for the punk, another eight years of raw evil and pure crime and bloody slaughter for the squares.
Trump shocked the punk by nullifying the process. Instead of obeying Sheldon Adelson, instead of chanting
the correct mechanical Goldman and Netanyahu slogans, Trump said true things. Living squares, hearing truth in a political context for the first time ever, realized they could say NO to the punk. And they did.
The subparts of the election machine, the operatives and pundits and press, were slower to respond than my real-life punk. They didn't take the plea, didn't let Trump be the automatic nominee after two or three primaries. They didn't realize that their pet zombie had come back to FULL LIFE; instead, they only saw a strange glitch or virus in the machine. They continued pushing harder and harder on their various levers and buttons. Some tried to unplug the machine and plug it in again. Most of them are still dumbfounded, still slamming their fists through the keyboard.

= = = = =
Now the GUTSY governor of NC is attempting to NULLIFY a Federal crime. In this case the word is literal. Since 1861 the Feds have reduced the original confederation to a machine with parts that look different but obey smoothly and identically. Some of the gears are brass, some are stainless steel, all mesh perf
= = = = =
At this point we can't tell what will happen next. One of the standard punk tactics is gone: can't blackmail this governor with funding. He's ALIVE. Most likely the Feds will resort to raw brutal force. Send in the troops, occupy the state, kill the governor, kill a million implacable squares.
Is Obama up for that? Does he want his "legacy" to be Civil War 2? I truly don't know, but that's the best bet.
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