Should have been
Previous item about blushing reminded me of something from the dim past....
In the '50s there were a lot of
things that had to be done. These things weren't required by law, and as far as I can tell NOBODY wanted to do them, NOBODY appreciated them or enjoyed them.
Adults had to play bridge with the boss and coworkers. Nobody liked bridge. It was pure hell.
Nobody was impressed by the Correct Martini, but everybody had to know how to make the Correct Martini.
Kids had to show off their tricks. Piano playing, handstands, art. The showed-off kid was FIERCELY humiliated; the home-team parents were bored, the visiting-team parents were counting the seconds until it was over.
WHY did these hellish experiences continue?
I'm pretty sure these obligations have vanished, for which I thank god. 'Show us your trick' now turns into a Youtube fail clip, which is where it should have been all along.