Marie Dennis, an American who serves as a co-president of Pax Christi International, said she and the conference group "believe that it is time for the church to speak another word into the global reality." Dennis also said she understands that people may raise concerns in rejecting the just war theory over needing to stop unjust aggressors. Her group, she said, agrees that violent aggressors have to be stopped.Leaving aside the apparent trans-ness of Mr/Ms Dennis/Marie, there's a valid point in this mess.
"The question is how," said Dennis. "Our belief would be that as long as we keep saying we can do it with military force, we will not invest the creative energy, the deep thinking, the financial and human resources in creating or identifying the alternatives that actually could make a difference."
"As long as we say that dropping bombs will solve the problem we won't find other solutions and I think that's feeling more and more clear to us," he said.
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