Just an act
Just an act.
I'm disappointed but not shocked. I didn't let myself get phaselocked this time, remembering what happened with Gene McCarthy.
At first I thought Trump was just pulling a publicity stunt. He's done it before. Play campaign for a few weeks, stop, profit. But when he took it all the way through major primaries I dropped that hypothesis. After several months the stunt was counterproductive. His brand was ruined. Rich fuckheads, his main clientele, had shouted their bigoted hate to the world, declared that they would rather die than look at the XENOPHOBIC BUFFOON's name ever again. Maybe he was serious, maybe he meant to take power and solve some problems?
Nope. Just an act after all.
Still doesn't make a lick of sense, except as the X-treme final prank of a dying man.
Invite everyone to speak the truth, watch as they push each other into positions they can't back out of, then say J/K.
Now the powerless know without a picodoubt what the powerful think of us, especially the powerful Repoofs who have been giving us lip service while slaughtering us.
Now the powerful know without a femtodoubt what the powerless think of them. Ready for revolution.
Let the fun begin! The prankster will be dead before the whole thing boils over, and he can die satisfied. The huuuugest fuckyou in history.
Can't think of a better explanation.