Nadie se haga la ilusión de que el pueblo de este noble y abnegado país renunciará a la gloria y los derechos, y a la riqueza espiritual que ha ganado con el desarrollo de la educación, la ciencia y la cultura. Advierto además que somos capaces de producir los alimentos y las riquezas materiales que necesitamos con el esfuerzo y la inteligencia de nuestro pueblo. No necesitamos que el imperio nos regale nada. Nuestros esfuerzos serán legales y pacíficos, porque es nuestro compromiso con la paz y la fraternidad de todos los seres humanos que vivimos en este planeta.Cuba is the extreme test case of Graybill's Law. Free trade atrophies the skills and intelligence and spiritual riches of a country. By blockading trade to Cuba, we forced them to develop their own skills and intelligence and spiritual riches to the maximum. Now Castro is 'adverting' us to be careful; don't assume that Cuba will surrender like Nathan Deal when we try to re-colonialize. = = = = = Sidethought: I was trying to envision what Hamilton and Jefferson would think of a governor who abandons religious freedom to hold a giant sporting event in a giant arena. 1776 had sports (cricket and polo?) but it didn't have giant arenas. Ham and Jeff would think we were talking about ancient Rome. Diocletian. Christians vs Lions. And they'd be right. = = = = = Better sidethought: The real question is WHERE IS THE OPPOSING VECTOR? Who is pulling governors TOWARD survival of humanity? Where is the Repooflican "party"? Why hasn't it disowned Deal and removed him from all party power? We know the answer, of course. It's right there in the word Repooflican. A pack of screeching mincing fairies.
Labels: defensible spaces, skill-estate, swishover
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