Regeneration 5
Dumb article, apparently inspired by the Commie who is creating a post-modern ironic dispute with Wheaton College.
Are Allah and Jesus the same?
Badly posed question. Only Xns assume Jesus is a god, so comparing these two names automatically assumes Xn.
More balanced question: Are Allah and Jehovah the same god?
Start with the notion that replication is impossible, as
discussed yesterday.
Now imagine God as a field, similar to the magnetic field surrounding earth and sun. This field is constantly reshaped by the movement of each planet with a magnetic core, and also reshaped by the sun's emissions and storms.
When you interact with God, your interaction is not the same as mine. Your interaction by prayer and obedience is part of the field, and shapes the field. My interaction shapes the field in different ways. Thus the God you see and feel is not the same as the God I see and feel.
I'd compare the three western religions to three types of radio receiver.
EMF from a transmitter is NOT the same when received by different types of receivers. The field is always reshaped by the presence of an inductor or resonator. This isn't Heisenberg, it's a real
measurable difference as energy is taken, absorbed, reflected, and reshaped into new freqs and harmonics. A receiver is never strictly passive.
Islam is the most direct and elegant.
TRF. Submission. Resonate to correct freq, detect, amplify and filter into human-readable form.
Judaism is
Regen. TRF with an extra feature. The receiving system worships itself, giving a sharply tuned amplified resonance for listeners who know the correct techniques.
Xn is
Superhet. The system generates an internal god-field (called Jesus) and uses a mixer (called Mary) to modulate the external signal from God. The heterodyned result is called the Parakeet or something.
Which of these forms is closest to God's lab notebook? Islam without a doubt.
First commandment.
No other god.
Islam adds nothing. Judaism adds the ethnicity as an object of worship. Xn adds a complete new God, plus the heterodyned Parakeet.
So the most objective answer to the original question is No. There may be an immutable transmitter somewhere, and there was clearly an unmediated creator, but we can't sense those things directly. We only know what we receive as audio, whether transduced by TRF or Regen or Superhet. We also know what our individual transmitters 'feel' in terms of reflected or absorbed prayer-power.
Labels: Grand Blueprint, Natural law = Sharia law