Thousands of vacant buildings in Baltimore will be demolished over the next four years, city and state officials announced Tuesday, starting in the neighborhood where Freddie Gray was arrested and fatally injured in police custody, prompting civil unrest that highlighted the urban decay. The plan includes $75 million in state funding to demolish blocks of abandoned buildings to create space for affordable housing, businesses and parks,LBJ never died. He's still out there in his beautiful glass coffin, awaiting the big wet kisses of death-loving psychopathic politicians. Urban renewal worked beautifully! It multiplied crime and death by at least 100! More budget for SWAT teams, more employment for the devastated social-work sector, more trillions in welfare, a veritable goldrush for coffin-builders and gravediggers! YAY! Piven and Cloward triumphant! Let's do it again! And again! And again!
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