Language update for ungrateful monsters
Professor Polistra doesn't normally have visitors in the classroom, but this time she makes an exception.
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... means Russia.
This WashPost article cites several possible reasons why ISIS might have been froggy enough to attack Paris. The main theme:
"On Saturday, a theory began circulating about why ISIS attacked Paris: Since the Islamic State's drive to gain and hold territory in Syria has suffered setbacks lately, perhaps the group was lashing out to kill people far beyond its borders to compensate."
Any mentions of Putin or Russia in the article? Nope.
Russia is saving our evil ass, and we can't even MENTION them let alone THANK them. Prof P tries to remedy this atrocious ingratitude in her small symbolic way.
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Idiots are wondering why Baltimore has a whole fucking lot more homicides this year. After listing a dozen bizarre delusional non-reasons, the article AMAZINGLY TACKS ON THE FUCKING TRUTH as a footnote!
"Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey last month said that murder rates were soaring in many cities partly because police were holding back from aggressive tactics, fearful of being video recorded and accused of brutality."
Truth gets into print! Rare event, worth celebrating, just as Comey is worth celebrating.
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... means Invasion.
"The fragile comeback of wolves to Oregon is deepening a cultural divide over how much protection they need. With 81 adult gray wolves now calling Oregon home, wildlife officials last week recommended taking them off the state's list of protected animals. They'll vote on the recommendation on Monday."
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... means 'caused by'.
From idiot Cameron's "demands" to EU, which are not actually demands because he won't do anything if the "demands" aren't met.....
"The challenges facing the European Union have not diminished, they have grown. Migration flows across Europe, the rise of Isil and the spread of parties of protest across Europe need a response...."
All of those challenges 'facing' EU were DIRECTLY AND TOTALLY CREATED by EU. They aren't meteors that suddenly smashed into the landscape.
This is exactly like the tired idiocy "died while battling alcohol". No, you didn't battle alcohol. You surrendered. You chose to drink. If you had been battling, you would have stopped drinking long before you died.
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Another word for "protecting our own people from invasion." At some time in the obscure geological past, "protecting our own people from invasion" was called
Government for some obscure arcane reason. We are much smarter now. Protecting our own people from invasion is
Shameful and
Not American and
Not who we are.
Our own Dear Leader
provided these new and authoritative definitions. Who am I to judge?
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Brandt. as pronounced by
good old BBC in an obit on Helmut Schmidt.
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Excepting them-self:
From an
article about Satan University's "International Day Of Tolerance":
“It's about excepting and embracing everyone,” said Keisha Hood, who works at the Unity Multicultural Education Center and is a second year nursing student at Gonzaga. “It's symbolic with the stuff happening with Paris and Mizzou. Honestly, it's just so important to come together as a school and to make a statement and reminder.
Gonzaga President Thayne McCulloh ... spoke of the important role tolerance plays in the world: “By being human, each individual reserves to them-self a fundamental set of human rights,” he said.
Excepting is precisely the right word. Die-Versity is precisely about excepting the Unpersons and embracing the Coooooooooooooool persons.
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... means "more obvious than 2 + 2 = 4."
Groundbreaking research establishes the astonishing unimaginable fact that 2 + 2 is a sequence of three symbols: a number, then a symbol made up of a vertical line and a horizontal line, then a number. Who could possibly have guessed? I'm gobsmacked! Fantastic new discovery!
Being born into privilege can pay dividends throughout life, according to ground-breaking new research ... A study by academics at the London School of Economics found that people from working class families are not only less likely to secure jobs in high-status occupations in the first place, but will earn thousands of pounds a year less when they get there.
Nuff said.
Labels: Language update, Гром победы