Holiday observation
Probably a bad observation about holidays.
Factual part: In recent
decades there's an increasingly sharp divide between Real Holidays that everyone observes, vs Unreal Holidays that only SOME government offices observe. Some of this division is leftist crap, like the erasing of Columbus. Most of it comes from the loss of work-leisure balance. 50 years ago most people worked reliable 8-hour shifts, 5 days or 6 days a week, with reliable holidays and vacations. Now those who are lucky enough to work are expected to be on duty all the time.
Dubious part: I'm noticing a contrary trend locally in the last two or three
years. Previously, only the Realest of the Real, like Xmas and Thanksgiving, cleared out traffic. I could walk in the middle of any street on Xmas, but the Lesser Holidays looked about the same as regular workdays. Now even the Unreals like Veterans are sparsely trafficked.
If this is a valid observation, it could mean that the remaining employees in this part of town are mainly working for government.