Still in loco after all these years
strong essay by a comedian I haven't heard of. His NYC funny stuff doesn't strike me as notably funny, but his main point is hugely powerful.
Youngsters who demand to be protected from humor or "microaggressions" are ruining their own chances to handle real life.
His best line: "The real world isn’t going to give you a trigger warning when something unpleasant is about to happen."
Back in the '60s, rebellious students were especially irritated that colleges wanted to act
in loco parentis. At that time, acting on behalf of parents meant (1) no PDA between boys and girls (2) no drinking (3) watch your language.
The students won the battle. From 1970 to 2000, colleges refused to act like parents.
in loco parentis has returned. This time it's DEMANDED by students, and the students have won again. The new version of ILP means (1) no PDA between boys and girls (2) no drinking (3) watch your language.
Of course the language you need to watch is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the 1960's version. The old Seven Bad Words are now the ONLY PERMITTED WORDS. PDA between boys and boys, or between girls and girls, is REQUIRED now.
The part about drinking has the same flavor in both versions of ILP, and is the only
good rule in both versions.