Jeb Bush told a crowd in South Carolina on Thursday that Republicans could attract more African-Americans with a message of “hope and aspiration,” and not with promises of “free stuff” — a phrase that echoed comments made by Mitt Romney during and after his 2012 bid for president. “Our message is one of hope and aspiration,” Mr. Bush said. “It isn’t one of division and get in line and we’ll take care of you with free stuff. Our message is one that is uplifting — that says you can achieve earned success.”Supposedly the Repoofs are the Party Of Business. If you had even the slightest understanding of Business, you would know several things: (1) Don't waste time and effort marketing to people who are PERMANENTLY INCAPABLE of using your product. If you're selling beef, don't advertise in Hindi. (2) Don't kick out your ACTUAL CUSTOMERS. Again with beef, don't make a giant point of SPITTING ON people who like steak and hamburger. Don't tell them that only vegans are moral. (3) "Free stuff" is a completely inaccurate description. Proper politics IS business, and ABOVE ALL it is DIVISIVE. You give me your votes and I give you paved streets and jobs. I don't give paved streets and jobs to parts of the population that DIDN'T vote for me. That's how politics worked when it did work. It DOESN'T work now on either "side", but Dems ran PROPER politics with blacks and poor folks for so many years that the memory of PROPER commerce remains. (4) HOPE AND ASPIRATION? UPLIFTING? WHAT IN THE HOLY FUCK** ARE THESE WORDS? NOBODY WANTS FUCKING HOPE AND ASPIRATION. EVERYBODY WANTS FUCKING COMPETENCE FROM POLITICIANS. Trump appears to understand these basic points, and Trump is showing some evidence of fucking competence, but there's still no reason to believe he can or will deliver. ** Yeah, I've been watching that stupid but irresistible sunfish video. Masshole Bro is hopelessly annoying, but anyone who can maintain his level of wonderment and astonishment for 10 minutes can't be all bad. Sort of like a puppy jumping and barking and chewing on your finger out of sheer enthusiasm for life.
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