Some of Washington’s largest polluters will have to cut back greenhouse emissions under new rules state officials are developing. The rules would target about 35 industrial facilities jointly responsible for 60 percent of the heat-trapping gases[sic] produced in Washington. The proposed regulation follows Gov. Jay Inslee’s failure to get a cap-and-trade system and carbon tax approved by the Legislature this year.Infinite Satan Inslee needs to be tried and tortured and executed for Infinite Treason. NOW. DO IT NOW. NOW. GODS, IF YOU EXIST, STRIKE THIS MONSTER DEAD. NOW. Of course gods do not exist. Laws do not exist. Logic does not exist. Science does not exist. Justice does not exist. Only evil exists. Only thugs and robbers and rapers and unspeakably filthy vile vicious monsterblobs exist. Only Inslee exists.
Labels: Carbon Cult
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