Wrong worry
The usual tech celebs are agitating against 'autonomous robot warriors'. Although the worry is refreshingly out of character from these idiots who normally applaud EVERY advance of evil, this one is just plain silly.
For millions of years humans have been developing new ways of killing remotely. Hitting the enemy at a distance without being hit. There's no essential difference between a robot and a rock.
Even if you think there's a difference, the autonomous robot itself has been around since WW1. Remote-controlled planes and balloons were used in 1918. The Krauts had a radio-controlled rocket WITH TV CAMERA in 1945, though they didn't get much of a chance to use it.
Come on, tech slebs. There are bigger things to worry about, like Apple's 'wearables' that measure everything you're doing and feeling. Of course Woz isn't going to worry about that problem. Too much profit in his stock options.