Simple answer
There's no way to stop abortion with "law", because "law" is extinct.
But there is a way to manipulate the forces of insanity to eliminate abortion.
The educrat monsters are trying to expand their empire both downward and upward. Now that pre-K is officially required, prepreK is next. Encourage them to keep going FAST, which is no problem because Satan always moves FAST.
When prepreprepreK reaches birth, it will have to keep going for one more school year = 9 months. After that, it bumps into a physical limit that even monsters can't break.
Educrats always defend their gains with ACTUAL ARMED FORCE, unlike the Milifairy which refuses to use force.
Any attempt to decrease the population of prepreprepreprepreK students, by abortion or miscarriage or contraception, will be instantly stopped.
Do you imagine that this will make Christian opposition to abortion OK? Don't be silly. Educrat opposition to abortion is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from Christian opposition to abortion. How could you even think of comparing the actions of Correct Persons with the actions of Unpersons? Shame on you.
Labels: STRONG!, Zero Problems