Of course this won't persuade anyone.
It's nice to see
attempts to impose facts on the bitslave types. It won't work, but it leaves the bitiots without ANY excuse for their criminal activity.
We already know from simple logic that the entire purpose of Bitcoin is fraudulent. When you run the entire currency system THROUGH the web (which is another name for NSA), you're not HIDING the system from NSA. You are GUARANTEEING that NSA knows about all your transactions.
We also know from simple logic that the system DOES NOT FAVOR the poor. The only way to create "value" is by buying lots and lots of expensive computer setups and running them hot and heavy to make some equations.
This is not "value"; it's just an indication of your own riches, EXACTLY like the creation of "value" by central banks. The counterfeit equations created by QE processes go directly into the bank accounts of the Chosen.
an article in Vice estimates the energy usage of EACH single transaction in Bitcoin, and finds that EACH transaction, EACH single sale, uses the same electricity as 1.5 DAYS of an average American household.
= = = = =
Compare this with a plain paper transaction.
In many parts of the world ordinary trading uses no technology. People who use TRULY SECURE paper currency are not leaving an NSA trail. Most importantly, they are creating REAL VALUE by making or fixing or cleaning or painting or growing things. These are activities that anyone can do regardless of income.
And a paper currency transaction uses no energy AT ALL.
= = = = =
Even if we consider a more modern transaction via cash register, the energy usage is minuscule compared to Bitcoin.
Let's try a somewhat high estimate, based on a business that makes fairly sparse transactions. A small service business like a barber shop or dentist office will make about 10 sales per hour. A basic cash register uses about 1 KWH. Thus each transaction accounts for about 0.1 KWH. (The transaction
itself is much less, but the register is running all the time, so I let each payment account for 1/10 of an hour.) Using the household usage figure in the article, 30 KWH per day, this means each transaction is about .003 of a household day, or 0.3% of a household day.
Thus the Bitcoin transaction uses about
450 times as much energy as a cash-register transaction.
= = = = =
Summing up:
If you want real security and low energy usage, use paper currency with no records. Zero NSA, zero energy.
If you want 'normal' and 'legitimate' operations, use paper currency in cash registers. Because you're reporting your income to IRS and other agencies, NSA can access the overall figures but can't identify the customers. Energy 0.3% of a household day.
If you want absolute intimacy with NSA and wildly profligate EVIL KKKARBON, use Bitcoin. Inside the belly of the beast. Energy 150% of a household day.
Labels: Carbon Cult, Danbo