Good riddance
I notice
Yves Smith's site has joined the ranks of honest tyrants, eliminating comments.
As more and more people see through the liars and fakers, the liars and fakers are finding it necessary to silence the fact-lovers.
Nakedcapitalism claims to work against the banksters and for ordinary people. At first this claim looked reasonable; they were publishing lots of inside info about how the Crime Casino works.
I began to doubt it when they strongly supported the Goldman scam called "global warming". Somewhat forgivable; these economic types haven't been closely following the total corruption of "hard science".
The real reveal is their fanatical support for Modern Monetary Theory. MMT is pure economics, so specialization is no excuse.
MMT is not the
opposite of banksterism; it's
turbo banksterism.
problem is that we're counterfeiting instead of creating real value; we're living on debt instead of savings; we're replacing reality with the most bizarre set of fantasies ever imagined. The
solution is to stop counterfeiting, stop running up debts, start living within our means. MMT wants us to counterfeit 100 times as much, run up 100 times as much debt, invent 100 times as much evil fantasy.
Good fucking riddance, Goldman slaves posing as working-class warriors. It's always better to see the enemy clearly.
Labels: Carbon Cult, MMT, Natural law = Sharia law