Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey,.... and other legislative leaders ... said they revere the Bible, but they thought including it in the list of official state items along with the catfish and "Rocky Top" is offensive. "I mean the Bible is my official book, it is. It shouldn't be put in the Blue Book with 'Rocky Top,' salamanders and tulip poplars. I'm sorry; it just shouldn't," Ramsey recently told reporters.I know what he means. He means the Bible is on a much higher plane than those other things, but his sentence came out wrong. In fact the sentence is correct as it stands, from a Godly perspective. The Bible is a secondary source with a bunch of unnecessary embroidery. You can learn more directly by consulting the PRIMARY SOURCES on the Tennessee list. Salamanders and tulip poplars and especially catfish will tell you far more about God's miracles, intentions and laws than the cluttered and jumbled Bible.
Labels: Danbo, Grand Blueprint, Natural law = Sharia law
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