Perfecting a technique
The "crisis" of migrants from North Africa is the most perfect and pure instance of Sailer's
Invade and Invite. Previously, EU/US/UK had been Invading and Inviting in different places. For USA, the Invading was in the Middle East and the Inviting was mainly from Mexico and Central America. There's no connection between those populations, so it was hard to see the connection between the Inviting and Invading.
In Sailer's formulation, the two actions are not exactly connected or symmetrical anyway. They're simply two ways of accomplishing the same purpose. Destroying the skills and culture and economy of two places at once, making the world safe for military contractors and financial manipulation.
Now EU has managed to run the Invading and Inviting in the same place, like a pump. Invade Libya, invite Libyan refugees. Invade Syria, invite Syrian refugees.
So naturally we've got a Robust Debate on how to reduce the problem.
The blazingly obvious logical factual answer is STOP INVADING AND STOP INVITING.
Of course logic and facts are unthinkable and unacceptable. Robust Debates serve only one purpose: Bid up the cost and lethality of lunacy. So we are Robust Debating whether to spend 1000 times as much on expanding the war and rescuing the refugees, or only 999.99 times as much on expanding the war and rescuing the refugees. After the Robust Debate, we will compromise and spend 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times as much on expanding the war and rescuing the refugees. All perfectly sensible.