The current vaccination dispute is hard for media to deal with because it's an exception to a basic rule.
Western satans in gov't and media have grown accustomed to a simple rule. Everything prescribed by Natural Law is wrong. We are outside of Nature and above Nature. We don't need to listen to rules that were painstakingly compiled in old books like the Bible. We know better. One typically arrogant alien monstrous super-rich super-powerful super-fairy recently stated the Official Line memorably: "The God who created this universe, if he created this universe, is quite clearly a maniac, an utter maniac, totally selfish."
This rule works in all areas. Food preparation, sanitation and diet; marriage and the proper roles of man and woman; the wisdom of saving instead of borrowing; the evil of compound interest; the need to control children and criminals and immigrants; the need for useful work. Wise observers gave us a record of long experimentation on all of these subjects.
Moses and Mohammed agree with Nature and elaborate on its details. Western elites automatically smash Moses and Mohammed. Any citizen who dares to follow Natural Law must be shot. Any country that dares to support Natural Law must be invaded and bombed and occupied forever. No thought needed. Easy.
Measles turns the rule around. Government finds itself uncomfortably
supporting Natural Law and Public Health Rules, and uncomfortably
opposing NPR types and Googleboy types who are normally its best allies.
But wait! Is vaccination part of Natural Law? What would plants do?
Plants use vaccination all the time. When one plant encounters a specific insect or microbe, it manufactures chemical weapons against the enemy, AND it sends out signals through the air or through underground mycorrhizal 'wires'. Other plants pick up the signal and crank up their own defenses against the pest. It's not quite the same mechanism we use ... the plant version might be called
VOCcination ... but nevertheless it's a mandatory and public process. When you receive the VOC you become immunized.
= = = = =
Later addendum:
Bees do it too. Forcible vaccination. No opt-outs for hippieshit beliefs.
Labels: Natural law = Sharia law, Smarty-plants