AUBURN, Wash. -- Like all religions, the Sikh faith is steeped in tradition. One of the most revered is the carrying of a Kirpan, a sword or dagger, at all times. "People will even wear it in the shower. It's kind of hard for others to understand," said Jaswinder Singh, spokesman for the Gurudwara Sikh Center of Seattle. The concept of the Kirpan is taught to children at an early age. The dagger is considered an instrument of social justice. A few weeks ago at Auburn's Gildo Rey Elementary, a Sikh family approached the school telling them their little boy would be carrying a Kirpan every day. District administrators are citing state and federal guidelines that allow certain exceptions to Washington's "zero tolerance" for weapons policy. They say there are plenty of Sikhs, both students and staff, who have carried Kirpans to school for years without incident. "The knife can't come out. It can't be shown around. It needs to be underneath their clothing," said Auburn Assistant Superintendent of Schools Ryan Foster. "That allows them to express their religion without jeopardizing anyone's feeling of safety. If there are any problems, we will take it to the family, but we don't expect any."Here in Sharptonia, those magic words SOCIAL JUSTICE opened the idiot brain-like organs of the Epsilon Educrats. "Social Justice! Oh! Social Justice! That means Communism! Good!" In countries where real Sikhs live in large numbers, the real meaning of those words is known. Sikhs are excellent and fierce warriors. British colonial armies were full of Sikhs because Sikhs like to fight. Social justice means vengeance. Meanwhile, Unkids who belong to Unreligions will still end up in actual non-symbolic jail for drawing a picture of a knife in art class, even if the knife looks just like a kirpan. Especially if the knife looks like a kirpan. That would be Taking The Symbols Of A Correct Religion In Vain.
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