Let me count the ways
This country desperately
needs a second party. The Repooflicans claim to be a second party, but they completely fail to fit the definition. 90% of the time they agree with the ruling party, and 10% of the time they do unspeakably stupid and self-defeating things.
Latest stupid and self-defeating action:
"The House passed a measure Wednesday that would expedite lawsuits brought by Congress against a president who fails to fully enforce federal laws."
How stupid? Let me count the ways.
(1) Purely symbolic. Won't become law. Wasted effort.
(2) If it did become law, a lawsuit by R wouldn't get anywhere. At the federal level, judges are hardline Satanist/Maoists who will never allow a move made by non-Satanist/Maoists to get into court.
(3) But a lawsuit by D against an R president would be guaranteed to succeed.
(4) A truly conservative president would need to do a WHOLE LOT of nullification by executive order, or nullification by non-enforcement. Those are the only ways policy can be changed. Congress is non-functional and the judges are Satanist/Maoist.
THEREFORE: This purely symbolic measure would guarantee that all future Presidents must be Satanist/Maoist. Any president who attempted to turn the country away from its current suicidal path would be instantly stopped by automatically successful lawsuits brought under this law.