Bang priority
Normally this neighborhood bangs a few fireworks on July 4th and a lot of fireworks on New Years. The July 4 bangs have been decreasing every year because the cops have been hardass, and because the reason for the restriction is understandable. July is wildfire season, and one good spark can set a whole county ablaze.
This year I heard exactly zero bangs on July 4, and only a handful on New Years. I was wondering if the bang-prone kids had moved out entirely. Nope. Tonight they're making up for lost booms!
Probably relates to the Big Sport Thing. I assume the local favorite team, the Hawk or the Twelve or whatever it's called, has won the Big Sport Thing.
If nothing else, it's a safe time for fireworks. Everything is nicely snowpacked, no chance of destroying anything except your own hands and eyes. Strictly Darwin.