No, it's not religion.
Blair is trying to re-energize the Neocon theory that religion is responsible for the current set of wars in Asia and Africa.
Sorry, doesn't wash. [I went along with those Neocon ideas until 2006, so I can't say "Told you so!"]
Warmakers often use ideology and religion as fuel. Those factors may speed up or enhance some wars. But the primary
cause of serious wars is ALWAYS territory.
The currently active wars have one simple cause. The winners of WW1, mainly Britain, imposed a set of false and arbitrary boundaries in the Arab world. WW2 and the US/USSR cold war postponed action on those boundaries, as the major powers propped up their pet Arab dictators. When the cold war finished, the flow of money and weapons faded out. Now the old natural boundaries between ethnic groups are being reasserted. What should we do about it?
Exactly nothing. Stand back. Don't fuel the fire with more weapons and money. Let the boundaries re-form.
Blair, toxified by the genocidal leftist theory that
All Humans Are Innately Identical, can't understand ethnicity. He has to impute non-innate and "curable" causes like ideology and religion, in order to justify his life and his current fund-raising.