Scientists from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Utrecht Medical Center in the Netherlands report in the new study that a class of specialized cells in the stomach reverts to stem cells more often than they thought. “We already knew that these cells, which are called chief cells, can change back into stem cells to make temporary repairs in significant stomach injuries, such as a cut or damage from infection,” said Jason Mills. If a significant injury is introduced in cell cultures or in animal models, more chief cells become stem cells, making it possible to fix the damage. “Chief cells normally are big factories with elaborate networks of tubing and secretory mechanisms for making and secreting digestive juices,” said Mills. “That all has to be dismantled and recycled so the chief cell can become a stem cell. It’s a remarkable change.”Hugely newsworthy for three separate reasons: (1) The discovery happened partly in America, which means the death-loving Embryonic Stem Cell forces are losing their iron grip on American science. Research on the real solution is now both fundable and publishable. Good sign of positive change. (2) Basic implication is obvious: Everyone has their own highly productive and easily convertible stem cells that can be gathered directly with endoscopic tools. (3) Another destroyer for evolution theories. Let's imagine how these chief cells "evolved". A cosmic ray penetrates the stomach of some early animal, and happens to hit just the right combination of genes to turn the cell into a "big factory with an elaborate network of tubing". Entirely possible. Oops! How did the stomach function without a complete set of those cells? Well, let that slide. Now we just need to have cosmic rays happen to hit the exact same combination of genes in millions of other cells, to create a stomach that can generate its own acids and enzymes. Now that the animal can eat and digest food, which it couldn't before... Oops, we'll let that slide. Now we need to have more cosmic rays cleverly finding just the right combination of genes in those factory cells, so that the factory cells know how to turn themselves back into generic cells. Now that we've got that, we need to have more cosmic rays happen to hit just the right combination of genes in most of those millions of chief cells, so the chief cells will know when to return to generic form in response to chemical signals from other cells when those other cells were injured by sharp stuff coming into the stomach. Now that we've got that, we need to have more cosmic rays hitting just the right combination of genes in those other cells so they will emit chemical signals when they're injured, and the signals must be the same ones that the chief cells understand. Oops! We just said they already knew how to emit signals, even though the signals were useless until the chief cells learned how to read the signals. Well, let that slide............ See how easy it is? It's all happenstance. No other possibility. [Sidenote: Yes, I know the cosmic rays really need to be hitting the nuclei of egg cells or sperm cells so that the next generation will exhibit the changes. That doesn't affect the overall unlikeliness of the process, nor does it remove the X-before-Y AND Y-before-X contradictions.]
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