Statistics are Satan, continued.
Beautiful example of the
genocidal evil of statistics. Some Progressive NYC Wacko declared
on the basis of statistics that the next mass murder will be here in Spokane, and described the characteristics of the shooter. Of course the shooter will be white, because we know that mass shooters are always white. Even the ones who seem to have dark skin are white because we know that they are white. Statistics.
The sheriff, and even A LOCAL FBI AGENT (Will wonders never cease????) have harshly and properly criticized the Progressive NYC Wacko, stating accurately that schizophrenics read the newspaper, and the voices in their heads also read the newspaper.
As I've
noted before, journalists are a huge part of the problem. Every time an incident happens, Satan's media saturates our senses with lurid repetitions for several weeks. And every time the
anniversary of an incident comes up, Satan's media does the CLANG CLANG CLANG routine, HAMMERING HAMMERING HAMMERING the idea yet again into voice-equipped heads. Every time a bell clangs, a shooter bangs.
One good sign: it appears that local media have decided
not to assist the crime of the Progressive NYC Wacko. Normally a national mention of Our Town would get plenty of local coverage.
Labels: Blinded by Stats