Always fun
Always fun to observe the bizarre non-workings of JournoBrain, which is identical with CommieBrain. UK Guardian has been HAMMERING HAMMERING HAMMERING on two stories in the past few days:
The Godfrey Bloom story: A UKIP politician has been speaking plain truth about cultural differences, especially in India and Pakistan. He represents actual British people who are tired of pouring money into third-world countries, because the actual British people know that the money
always ends up in the hands of rich dictators and
often in the hands of hardass enemies. This is the explicit and sole purpose of foreign aid and free trade: to destroy our own country with maximum efficiency. National suicide.
The Forced Marriage story: Immigrants from India carry their own cultural traditions into Britain, including some that English people dislike.
She said many care professionals were "too worried about being culturally insensitive and accused of racism" to raise the alarm about forced marriage.
And who is doing the accusing? Guardian, among many others.
Remarkable compartmentalization. On one side of the front page we have the HORRIBLE OFFENSIVE practices of Indians; on the other side we have a HORRIBLE OFFENSIVE politician who is saying HORRIBLE OFFENSIVE things about those WONDERFUL ANGELIC SINLESS Indians.
Make up your fucking mind, idiots. Of course that ain't gonna happen, because Journos do not have minds.