Transforming the conversation again
Wildly unsurprising:
Savile Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) has taken up the GoldmanOccupy definition of democracy. An SBC satan is interviewing the Turkish finance minister, relentlessly hammering him with the same questions after he has answered them fully several times, never allowing him to finish a sentence, totally ignoring every point he tries to make.
The finance minister finally broke out of the usual bureaucratic calm and said "Why can't you hear me?"
Satan can't hear you because Satan is Satan, that's why.
Satan's constant theme, repeated 100 times, is "You won the election. This means the people who lost the election should rule."
At Savile, the Conversation has been fully Transformed.
Wildly unsurprising.
Toward the end, Satan actually reveals her true boss: "Investors are a fragile bunch."
Got it. The Goldman Rule: Goldman rules.