Finding sanity
The R team is predictably joyous, and the D team is downcast, over a
federal "court" "decision" that says one of Obama's interim appointments was wrong for some mysterious reason, which the "court" calls "the constitution". I have a vague memory of this document. Both of our idiot teams still misuse the words of this obsolete document for their own purposes; both teams idiotically claim that OUR WONDERFUL TEAM always follows the document and THE OTHER NASTY team always violates it. In fact
all presidents and
all Congresses and
all federal agencies operate in total and blatant violation of the document. Every appointment and every decision is transparently and prima-facie illegal.
Polistra likes to go back in time to find relative sanity. In this case she goes back to 1943 and listens to
an Information Please episode featuring Senator Fulbright. The specific sanity is found at 18:00 in the clip, if you want to hear it.
Info Please liked to ask specific questions to political guests, so they asked Fulbright how a treaty can be approved by the Senate. He proceeded to outline three different ways it was actually done,
making it clear that only one was really legal and proper. No party-based nonsense, no finger-pointing or blame. Just the facts.