Don't they read their own shit?
Jesus H. Fucking Christ. Don't these fucking motherfuckers even read their own fucking shit?
News: Fucking ships rerouted to protect fucking whales.
One fucking sentence from the fucking article:
"It's a common-sense proposal based on good science.".
Then two fucking paragraphs down:
"Scientists know that ship strikes happen regularly but remain uncertain whether they are hampering the recovery of blue whales, which were hunted to near extinction."
In other fucking words, the fucking Japs are responsible for this, but we can't punish the fucking Japs because they are Holy and Angelic. So we punish every fucking one else.
The whole fucking idiocy forgets that whales are hugely intelligent animals who can detect ships by sonar, and who can swim faster than ships. If whales are actually found in ship channels (which seems to be more assumption than fact!) there must be a reason why they like to be there. Perhaps they eat plankton that leaks from the ballast, perhaps they simply find the ships interesting. If you reroute the ships, how do you know the whales won't follow?