In other written comments, Romney has since said humans play some role, but he hasn't embraced the sweeping scientific consensus — backed by thousands of studies and accepted by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and its counterparts around the world — that humans are largely responsible. You could look at this simply as a political position to appeal to Republicans skeptical about climate change. But to a philosopher, this is also an example of faulty logic. "The flaw in that argument is that contrary to what he says, there is a consensus among climate scientists about the extent of human-induced warming and the degree of risk to the planet," says Gary Gutting, a science philosopher at the University of Notre Dame.So I sez Ho Kay. Let's do it your way, Philosopher Gutting. If you disagree with a consensus of experts you are illogical. (1) Who are the experts on the existence of God? Theologians, priests, rabbis, imams, and so on. What is their consensus? Overwhelmingly they agree that God exists and God is judging our actions. They disagree on details, but they uniformly believe that God is real and active. Therefore: You journalist fuckheads are being illogical when you disbelieve in God. (2) Biologists agree uniformly that human life begins at conception or immediately thereafter. Some say that life starts when the zygote begins dividing, which is still long before it's visible to the naked eye. Therefore: You journalist fuckheads, and all your elite Life Partners, are utterly illogical when you characterize abortion as "women's health." The absolute consensus of experts on life says that abortion is killing a live human being. This doesn't automatically make it murder. When an adult is killed, we've always distinguished between self-defense, accident, and murder. Plain logic says we should do the same with a very young human. When continued pregnancy would kill the mother, the baby can be killed in self-defense. A miscarriage is obviously an accidental killing. These moral and legal rules are already in place. Use them, dammit. = = = = = Next morning: Another opportunity to apply the Ho Kay rule. Obama says "I don't think any male politician should make decisions on women's health." Of course when he says "women's health" he means "killing babies", but we'll let that slide. Let's just apply his own rule to his own actions. Obama has repeatedly and firmly stated an opinion about "women's health", namely that abortion must be universal, available on every street corner, and maximally profitable to Planned Parenthood. Hmm. Isn't that a decision on "women's health" being made by a male politician? Or is Obama a hermaphrodite, thus uniquely qualified to make decisions for all genders?
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