Mother Jones and NPR are all
weeweed up about a clandestine tape of Vulture Romney supposedly saying secret things to a private conference.
Secret? Hardly. He's just quoting the
Maker/Taker shit which has been the primary topic of all Repooflican yappers for the last few years. Each talker has his own variant on the theme, but they all follow the same vicious Randian line, and the conclusion is always the same. Billionaire gangsters are Makers. They create jobs
in China. All others are Losers, Moochers, Takers. Therefore billionaire gangsters must receive all money and power in the world, while Losers must die. It's that simple.
Through this campaign Vulture Romney has been exclusively outputting random Repooflican talking points, and he's doing the same in this video. He's simply running a mixtape of Rush, Hannity, Doyle, Savage, Levin, Miller, et al.
Nothing remotely new, nothing remotely secret or hidden.
= = = = =
The only odd thing is that the Commie talkers (Mother Jones and NPR)
don't realize this is standard boilerplate. They genuinely think it's unusual stuff, and they're eager to get it out so people will see what Romney's saying.
Asymmetry as always. American Commies live in a bubble, paying no attention to the other side. Non-commies pay attention to both sides.
By itself this asymmetry
should be an advantage to the non-commie side, because superior knowledge is an advantage in any conflict. But the non-commie side has destroyed its advantage by sticking with the Randian bullies, sticking with the gangsters, telling ordinary people to die. We may be losers, but when one side tells us to "Take one for the team" and the other side doesn't, we'll probably go with the side that doesn't explicitly tell us to die.