Just plain good
The most interesting and newsworthy event this year is Rahm Emanuel fighting the Satanic teachers union. Everything else is drearily predictable and robotic, the same old people doing and saying the same old things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Everything else is well below Dog Bites Man; more like Dog Has Four Legs.
But this is fully surprising, pure information in the Shannon sense.
Consider: Rahm Emanuel has 100% perfect leftist credentials. He's solidly ideological, he's an Israeli-born Jew, he worked closely with Obama, and his sexual identity is, let's say with extreme charity,
dubious. You simply can't beat that combination.
In the ancient past, politicians with perfect credentials and strong public support would occasionally do something
good, take an action that simply helped the people of their city or state regardless of party labels.
These occasional events have gone extinct in the last 23 years, as real party differences disappeared and rigid but meaningless team positions guaranteed total paralysis.
Emanuel is going back to the ancient past. He's
helping the people of Chicago! He's trying to force real reform on the school system.
Satan dba "Karen Lewis", head of Satan dba "Teachers Union", is
striking to break Emanuel's reform efforts: The whole idea of an imperial mayoralty, where you can wave a magic wand and cut someone out and things happen, is untenable.... This guy has the nerve to stand up and say that education is the civil rights issue of our time.
Normally Satan dba "Teachers Union" is the absolute core of the D team, and would follow a Pure Gold Democrat through a field of thorns, but not this time.
Vulture Romney would normally take any opportunity to knock a Pure Gold Democrat, but not this time.
All the expected team-based ratshit is absent in this situation, leaving a pure conflict of Good vs Evil. Even more amazingly, two politicians are on the side of Good.
We need more Imperial Mayors, more politicians who are willing to break through the paralytic plaque to do one thing that's Just Plain Good.