Tinkerbell's status stack
A mini-flap in Seattle over one of Tinkerbell McKenna's campaign staff. Kathlyn Ehl, a young recent Poli Sci grad, put out some snide comments via Twitter before joining the campaign.
One of the flapped comments:
"Shut up and speak English" #asiansThe other:
"If it takes you an entire green light to walk in front of my car, get a wheelchair" #toooldtowalkYou don't finish a Poli Sci degree at UW without absorbing the precise order of the Correct Status Stack. Note that Ehl made fun of groups near the bottom, as you'd expect from any bully.
"Asians", or more precisely Orientals, haven't bothered to get into politics and don't have any equivalent of Al Sharpton. Orientals prefer to use quiet economic power. Thus it's acceptable to bully them.
Oldies are heavily involved in politics as individuals, but not
as an Identity Group. Most top officials are old enough to draw SS, but they don't parade that fact. Al Sharpton himself is old, but he doesn't represent Oldies.
Tinkerbell McKenna's limp-wristed response indicates that he also understands the Status Stack. If any of his staff dared to make fun of top-status groups like blacks or fags, the staff member would be in jail.
= = = = =
Update next day:
Tink got rid of the assistant after all. Shows common sense and understanding of the world. Basic fact of life: Candidates who wear the 'R' shirt get much closer scrutiny by the media. This wouldn't happen in a sane country, but America isn't a sane country. If you want to be free to say anything you want, there's a simple solution. Run as a 'D'-shirt candidate, and you're immune from scrutiny. (Sidenote: I don't understand why
anyone bothers to run as 'R'. The two shirts have identical agendas; the only difference is how the media treats you. If everyone wore a 'D' shirt, the media would be forced to find more substantial forms of judgment, such as character.)