Wet / Dry
Anyone who grew up in the Plains recognizes the
Dry Line instinctively. It's the real boundary between East and West, roughly 97 degrees longitude. If you drive up I-35, then I-35W north of Wichita, you're following the Dry Line pretty closely. It also corresponds fairly well with Tornado Alley, as discussed in
previous entry.To the east of the Dry Line, land is more woodsy and wet, and people are more group-y and fashionable in every sense. To the west, land is more open and dry, and what you do matters more than how you dress.
No state boundaries fall on this line, and it doesn't show up on a
map of Republican vs Democrat counties. But it shows up surprisingly and sharply on a world map of 'gayness', based on the users of some website.
Map here in UK Guardian.Fairyland stops short at the Dry Line.