It's basic.
Official Repooflican
talking point this week: Obama has carefully leaked stories about his successes (killing Osama, Stuxnet, etc) in order to boost his political fortunes. This is Sinful and Socialistic and Transformational and Radical and Redistributionist and Collectivist and Plastic-Banana Rock-n-Roller.
First, so what? He's a politician. Boosting his political fortunes is part of his job.
Second, it's
crucially important in a relatively open country to inform the people when you succeed. The Bush family never informed us of anything they were doing.
Back in 2005 I
started to wonder about the real intentions of the Bush family:
Any competent teacher, salesman or leader follows these rules: (1) Tell people what we're going to do for you and why. (2) Explain why this is better than the other product, candidate or alternative. (3) After we've started, tell people what we've done so far and what remains to be done; and encourage them to stay with the course.
For whatever strange reason -- Christianity, aphasia, "methods and sources", incompetence -- Bush has constantly failed to do these basic things. And nobody in his administration has cared enough to fix the problem; or perhaps somebody wanted to do the right thing, but was knocked down by Rove's electoral engineering. I don't know the cause, and I really don't want to know.
Now that we've seen a contrast between Bush The Son and Obama, we can see the cause more clearly.
Bush's supposed caution about "methods and sources" didn't help him to accomplish any of the goals that a government would normally seek in a war. He didn't kill Osama, didn't get anything done in Afghanistan or Iraq. His sole achievement was to divorce the entire world, and especially the American people, from every scrap of trust in their government, and to spend a nearly infinite amount of money.
Polistra's Law of Inferred Intent: Ignore words, examine results. When a powerful person verbally claims to be seeking Goal A but actually accomplishes Goal B, you can assume with 100% certainty that B was the real purpose.
In this case Soviet Agent Bush The Son claimed to be seeking something called "victory", but never condescended to tell us what "victory" was, and never leaked anything about the steps toward that "victory", because the steps never actually happened. We were allowed to stupidly guess that "victory" meant killing Osama and his followers, but the results tell us clearly that "victory" really meant SMASHING American culture and COLLAPSING the American economy.