Gödel, meet Godwin.
BBC's "Business Daily" program isn't the usual source of Carbon Craziness, but it came through in fine form
this morning. Discussing Poland's
brave resistance against the genocidal monsters of the EU, carbon-crazed presenter Paul Ross said "This is, of course, the stereotypical defiant Poland. The same Poland that fought German tanks with horses and swords, the same Poland that frustrated even Stalin in his attempts to impose a uniform dictatorship."
Hey Ross! Do you realize what you just did? You placed
yourself and your own tyrannical movement in the same category with Hitler and Stalin. You then proceeded to insult and degrade Poland for its independent spirit, thus stating that you're proud to be on the same side as Hitler and Stalin.
This is something new: a
proud and
self-referential argumentum ad Hitleram. Usually it's "You're just like Hitler!" With Ross it's "I'm just like Hitler and I love it!"
= = = = =
did it again a week later!
Labels: Carbon Cult