No duh
A "study"
reports that for some mysterious unknowable inscrutable incomprehensible reason,
Temporary workers who come and go as they please drive down the wages of permanent staff by as much as 5%.
Not only do temps spoil wage rates, they make you work harder, too, the report said. Companies that use temps are generally more cut-throat and cost-conscious than those who do not – generating more profit for the bosses but making employees work harder as a result, researchers said.
I am shockedshockedshockedshockedshockedshockedshockedshocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nay! Nay! This cannot be true! We all know that companies hire temps to
raise the pay and
improve the working conditions of everyone! Companies outsource to China to
raise the pay and
improve the working conditions of everyone! Creative destruction benefits everyone! Free trade benefits everyone! Illegal immigrants benefit everyone! These facts are indisputable... or at least they're never disputed by people who want to remain alive!
How could this noble action have backfired so horribly?