Sometimes I start thinking that my minimalist lifestyle is unusual, and then sometimes I realize it isn't.
This morning I went to Safeway on one of my regular
MWF store trips. The list was a bit shorter than usual. The checkout lady said: "Load's a little light this morning. Gets you out of the house, eh?"
Yup. She's got me pegged!
When I picture the usual set of customers at that hour of the morning, they fall into two categories:
(1) 300-pound single moms with food stamps and toddlers.
(2) Compact oldsters, most of whom act well-exercised and alert but not athletic or wealthy.
I probably fit into (2) pretty well, which means the checkout lady knows my type thoroughly!
Makes me wonder. Will the 300-pound single moms ever get to be oldsters? Or will they be finished at 45?
How did so many in that generation grow so heavy?